Saturday, March 24, 2012

To You O God Belongs Eternal Praise Prayer of Thanksgiving MArch 25th 2012

To you, O God, belongs eternal praise,

All your creatures will praise you

All the earth will sing of your great love

So we join our voices this morning with your creation

We raise our voices with the dawn chorus of this land of birds

We Join our praises with your people down through the ages.

We will tell of your greatness

We will speak of your goodness


To You, O God, belongs eternal praise

The land we live in reflects the wonder of your creation,

The sea in raging storm speaks of your awesome power

The peace you bring is reflected in times of sun sparkled stillness

Your provision in the richness of the soil and life giving rain

Your providence in the riches of this land of ours

Your grandeur in the bush clad hills and snow-capped ranges

Your eternal nature in the vast star fields of the clear night sky

Your love reflected in a mother caring for her child


To You O God belongs eternal praise

The bounty you provide for us speaks of your goodness

We have enough to eat, more than enough

We have shelter from the cold and the rain

We are clothed for the seasons

We make ends meet and can share with the poor

We are loved by family and friends

We have family and friends and stranger to love in return

In your call to serve you we have meaning and purpose


To You O God belongs eternal praise

The grace we have received from you is so amazing

We had turned our back on you but you didn’t write us off

You sent your son Jesus to be one of us and show your love

He is the good shepherd who came looking for the lost

He healed the sick proclaimed good news to the poor

He welcomed home the outcast and called the sinner to repent

He is the good friend who laid his life down for us

In Christ’s life death and resurrection we have been set free


To you, O God,  belongs eternal praise

We come before you and confess our sin

We have not cared for creation, as we should,

It has been exploited and its bounty has not be shared out to all

We have been silent and inactive and let injustice bloom and grow

We have not loved as we should

We confess that we have not freely given as you freely give

We have done things that you told us not to

We have left undone the good you call us to do

Have mercy lord

Forgive our sins we pray 

We do not deserve your love but you give it to us

As we confess ours sin you have been faithful and just and forgiven us,

You have cleansed us from all wrong

Pour out your spirit afresh upon us this morning

Lead us into all truth that we may know you more

Empower us to bear witness to you O Lord

Enable us to love as you love

May our lives bring honour to your name


To you, O God, belongs eternal praise

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