Thursday, December 29, 2011

responsive prayer for New Years

Loving God maker of heaven and earth

We join together this morning to praise you

We enter your gates with thanksgiving

And into your courts with praise

You are eternal with no beginning or end

You made us, and you are working your purposes out in our world and our lives

Know that the Lord is God

We praise you in this New Year

We praise you that what ever the future holds we know that it is held in your hands.

The LORD is God he made us and we are his

We look back at this past year

We see that you have been with us, provided for us and lead us in your ways

We are your people and the flock for which you provide


We praise you for Jesus Christ

 We have celebrated at Christmas that you became one of us, you pitched your tent in our neighborhood

That you live amongst us and showed us your great love and mercy, that you gave your life for ours paying the price for all we have done wrong,

and in being raised to life again have given us fresh beginnings and new life in you

For the Lord is Good

We look forwards this New Year

Unable to see beyond the next bend or over the horizon

Yet we prepared to follow you our times are in your hands

The steadfast love of the lord endures forever

His faithfulness to all generations

We confess our sins to you

We have done what we should not do and left undone what We should do

We have either thought too highly of ourselves and not cared enough for others

We have thought too little of ourselves and allowed ourselves to be written off as worthless

Forgive us LORD

As we have confessed our sins God is faithful and just and has forgiven us our sins and cleansed us from all unrighteousness

We give thanks and bless your name

Thank you that you send your spirit upon us to lead us into all truth and to empower us to live and witness to you.

May we be filled a fresh this new year to follow you more closely and share your love with the world around us

We worship the Lord with gladness

Father son and holy spirit

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